Like you only have a year to live

We drift through life, this life in these bodies like we are immortal, like there will always be a tomorrow. I have been procrastinating my way through life like I have the luxury of putting off for tomorrow what should be done, focused on and celebrated today. I don’t do it joyfully, no even worse I chastise myself, I look enviously at others who are ‘just doing’ while I am continually planning and I feel the moments of my life pass by.

I feel I have been receiving messages that I need to stop wasting this life, these gifts that I have been granted and get on with it. I just had the thought that I should live my next year like it was my last. I already had the thought to do 39 things in my 39th year but this other thought has just come to me. Live each day if it was your last, write your obituary now and make it happen, make the most of this life game before you no longer are able to play.

What does this mean? I guess it means I am going to have to stop listening to myself because the little voice inside is uncomfortable with change and doesn’t want us (me, myself and I) to have to deal with rejection, failure, disappointment, embarrassment or any form of discomfort. We all know that is not how life and expansion works, you need the pain of growth, the discomfort of change and the uncomfortability of stepping out of your comfort zone.

I will start to assemble my support team now because I am old enough and self-aware enough to recognise I cannot do this life game on my own and play it the way I want too. I am not excited or scared I just feel resolve, ready and so here we go!

I’ll keep you updated and I welcome words, articles, pictures and anything else of support!

First step my health is my wealth…..

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One thought on “Like you only have a year to live

  1. RG

    I fully support this approach. Brave and bold. A great piece which leaves your readers pondering themselves too.

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