Posts Tagged With: emotions

So about this unleashing business…

It has been one week or so since I completed Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within weekend training. It was very good, I was surprised because I was not sure whether to believe the hype.

It is very long (12 hour days plus) and some of the activities or tools you experience are intense. Yet, in that intensity it’s like you wake up to yourself. You remember things you had long forgotten. You feel things – as we get older we learn to suppress feeling things fully, be it happiness, sadness, anger etc. It is easier that way, feeling is exhausting. Yet, remembering how to feel also brings a release, opens a door to understanding yourself past, present and potentially future. Apparently, this is called Emotional Flooding

The experience leaves you changed, it has you opened up to yourself and so you can be nothing but changed. The challenge is in what that change entails and, if productive how you maintain and develop that transformation outside of the UPW bubble.

UPW has a following, there were people who had done it five times and more which I find a lot but at the same time I get it – the energy, the reflections there is no space quite like it I have experienced. This one I did was online, I will be doing a live one in November and I am interested to see how I develop in this time. What changes will take place, how will I develop or not…wanting something and being able to make that something happen are different things. Also, probably why people go back repeatedly to do the training…hoping to make the feeling ‘change is possible’ stick and bring about actual change.

Develop, change, transformation all big delicious sounding words but the process is where the magic happens. The process is where many of us lose our way to really having life never be the same again.

Funnily enough my thinking on this gap, this chrysalis moment, aligns with my personal interests in providing personal development assistance. So UPW has helped me get back to me and the interests I pushed aside as being something for later in life. It seems the time might actually be now.

So the journey continues, which is the point. Transformation or rather our lives and how we live them is a constant journey of learning, loving and growing step by step. Safe travels!!!

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Love taking over

It is the weirdest feeling liking someone, really liking someone and not being sure if they like you back and if they do how much. It’s like an invasion, for me the first to be taken over is the brain. My thoughts are no longer my own all full of him and reflections and imaginings. Next are the senses smelling his aftershave in the air causes butterflies, looking out for them in places where they may be (or not…just hoping), listening out for the phone to ring or beep and it’s them, un-necessary touching at any available opportunity when you are in their space and on and on.

What to do? I have no answers. I miss the feeling when there is no one taking over my emotions but when it comes to visit, it can be so tiring but admittedly it does make me feel a little more alive. Liking/ loving someone is a connection to another human being and whatever way it plays out you are going to be moved, changed affected and that, I think, is necessary. The only thing I would say is not to allow yourself to get too lost in the feelings because that way pain and obsession lie…we don’t want that!!!

Am I feeling these feelings now, yes I am. It is a mix for me, I like the distraction, and the little things that have happened that make me smile. At the same time it is not a straight forward situation so there is a little disappointment in there…added with wailings of WHY GOD WHY???? Can’t it just be simple and straightforward, just this once?????

However complications aside I have learnt a lot about myself, what I want and what I am looking for at this stage in my life and that is a good thing. So as the wonderful commercial exercise that is Valentine ’s Day rolls around (I actually do love the idea of Valentine’s Day), I will content myself with my fantasies and daydreams to keep me warm and know that my Prince Charming (whoever he may be) is wondering where I am and waiting for us to meet.

So going to collect my friends, arrange lots of yummies and enjoy the love and company I get with them!


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